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When Apples Are Ready To Pick

Apples tell you they're ripe by losing the last traces of their green background color and developing full, bright color. The inside of the apple's color will also give you an indication if it's ready. The flesh should be white or cream - not green. On a mature apple, the seeds will be brown, and not white.

What month do you normally pick apples?

Some types of apples are ready to harvest as early as July, while others develop their best flavor during the frosty days of autumn, ripening in October or November. Your window for harvesting apples can extend for several weeks or even months with the right mix of varieties.

How long can you leave apples on the tree?

Stores for three months. Two months. Stores for four to six weeks. Stores for four weeks, also can be left on the tree for four weeks.

What happens if you pick apples early?

They will only become softer but not sweeter or tastier. In other words, picking apples while they are still underripe will not allow you to keep them for longer or ripen them over time. Their flesh will soften, but they will still taste tart.

Do apples need sun to ripen?

Find a sunny location. Apple trees require full sun, so choose a spot where the sun shines directly on the tree for at least 8 hours each day.

Do apples ripen after falling from tree?

Actually it's all about the chemistry of how apples ripen. Unlike some fruits, apples continue to ripen long after they are picked off the tree. This ripening (or over-ripening affects the texture not the taste of the fruit.

Is August too early to pick apples?

While peak harvest generally takes place in September for most of the apples sold in stores, some cultivars are ready as early as late August, and others aren't mature until October or even November.

Why are my apples falling off the tree early?

Often, a period of stress (a long, hot summer with very little rain) will cause a tree to abort its fruit in order to conserve energy. Apple trees require deep watering during drought. Lack of pollination can result in pea-size fruit that falls off prematurely.

What apples are in season right now?

Gala, Macoun and McIntosh ones are ready to go in September, so start stocking up now. Gala apples are sweet with a reddish-orange and yellow-striped skin. Deep red and golden Macoun apples have a sweeter, tarter flavor; because they're very juicy, they're great for applesauce.

When should you not trim apple trees?

When to Prune an Apple Tree. Pruning is best done in late winter while the tree is dormant, or in the early spring before new growth has begun. If possible, avoid pruning in the summer and fall, as this stimulates new, sensitive growth that may be vulnerable to insect attack and winter damage.

When should you not prune apple trees?

Standard apple trees are mainly pruned in winter, between November and early March when the plant is dormant. Winter pruning stimulates root growth. Trained apple trees should be pruned in summer, with just a tidy up during winter if required. Mid- to late-August is ideal.

Should I wash apples before storing?

You can brush off visible dirt before you store apples, but it doesn't make sense to wash them until you're ready to eat or cook with them. Cleaning apples with water can actually make them rot and decay faster—so store them as is until you're ready to take a bite or use them in apple recipes.

Can you eat apples that have fallen on the ground?

Never eat apples that have dropped to the ground, as these can easily become contaminated with harmful bacteria. Although apples can be stored at room temperature, they can become soft or begin to spoil quickly. It is best to store apples in the refrigerator.

Should you refrigerate freshly picked apples?

The ideal storage temperature is 30 to 35 degrees F. with 90 to 95 percent relative humidity. If you don't have a lot of apples, the refrigerator is a good option. Place them in the crisper drawer in a plastic bag with holes in it or cover the apples with a damp paper towel.

How many apples should you leave on a branch?

Apples and pears You should end up with only one fruit for about every 6 inches of branch. If your tree is healthy and vigorous, it will have more than one spur every 6 inches along a branch. Thus, you will need to leave some spurs with no fruit on them. This helps to balance your crop for next year.

Do apple trees need a lot of water?

Young apple trees need lots of water. They need to be watered frequently and deeply. In our orchard park, we water our newly planted trees up to three times a week, with three large buckets of water each time. That's about 15 gallons of water.

How often do you water an apple tree?

Once every 7- to 10-days (or even once every two weeks) is plenty. Worse than dry, thirsty roots are waterlogged, drowning roots.

How much water does an apple tree need per day?

Generally, apple trees need about an inch of rainfall every seven to ten days for established trees. Another way of looking at it is water when the top eight to ten inches of soil are dry.

Do apples get sweeter the longer they are on the tree?

The fruit begins to taste sweeter and the starchy taste disappears. The fla- vor and aroma of the fruit also become more pronounced as it matures. If you taste apples as they ripen over a period of weeks, you will be able to detect the starch changing to sugar and the flavor increasing.

What do farmers do with fallen apples?

Apples that end up on the ground are not wasted. Many times farmers come to collect the apple drops to feed to livestock. If apples are not picked up, they are mowed at the end of the season and help to fertilize next year's crop.

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